
Welcome to Mindandbodysolutions-southport.com , my name is Clare Rusby Psychotherapist
Prof. Dip Psy C
I am an Accredited member of the National Hypnotherapy and the National Counselling Society, whose codes of ethics I abide by. I have profiles on both professional websites as well as on the Hypnotherapy and Counselling Directories.
I am on a register that has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. The Accredited Register programme was set up by the Government to improve standards and safety for the benefit of the public and shows my commitment to high professional standards, to enhancing safety and delivering a better service.
If you want to know more about me and what I'm about, take a look at the About me page.
I'm an ACCREDITED INTEGRATIVE COUNSELLOR , which means I use a variety of different approaches to tailor a course of treatment that will work best for each client. E veryone needs some support at some point in their lives for a variety of reasons ranging from childhood trauma, grief or more specific problems such as dealing with a divorce or change of job which can be incredibly stressful. Some want help being more focused and pro-active in making changes in their lives. Some come to me feeling things are not right but need help finding out why they feel like they do and what they can do to make their lives better - not just for them but for those around them. It's always good to talk.
Please see my page on Integrative counselling for more information
I'm an ACCREDITED HYPNOTHERAPIST H ypnosis is a completely natural state which, along with the input of a properly trained and confident therapist can create positive changes to a persons mental, emotional and physical state. It cannot make you do anything you do not want to do or that you morally object to. You cannot get "stuck" in hypnosis and can leave the state whenever you want to.
It is state of mind brought about by the use of set of techniques.
It enhances an individual's concentration and increases their responsiveness to suggestion in order to make the beneficial changes that an individual may wish to make in their thought patterns, their behaviours or their physiological state.
Normally, to affect continuing positive changes a client would need an average of 3 sessions, depending on the presenting problem. This is because the hypnotic suggestions will usually last from between 2 days to 2 weeks and each follow up session reinforces the positive changes so the new behaviour then becomes a positive habit.
For example, if the problem was weight gain due to snacking, hypnosis would empower the client to stop this activity for a period of time after each session. As the new behaviour continued, it will take the place of the old behaviour and become a permanent fixture in the client's subconscious.
Please see my Hypnotherapy page for more information and a 20 minute relaxation script for use by everybody
However, I may use a mixture of the two if it will help a client. For example, a client attending with anxiety can be helped by finding the root of the problem which can be worked through during counselling sessions. However, I can also provide specific scripts to deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety whilst the root problem is being dealt with. I call this Hypno-Counselling and have had some wonderful results from this treatment, please see my page Hypno-Counselling for more information
I offer Counselling and Hypnotherapy sessions online via a safe and confidential online portal called Zoom. I send you a link by email just before the appointment time and you simply click and connect, hassle free. I can also offer sessions over Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp or Facetime if necessary. There really is a lot to be said for no travel hassles alongside the comfort of your own settee or bed to lay on, together with a cup of tea/coffee in your favourite mug to aid relaxation and comfort.
I also offer telephone appointments for counselling sessions.
I do not offer face to face appointments.
Counselling and Hypnotherapy is just as effective online as it is face to face. The Testimonials and google reviews are primarily from client's that I have worked with remotely
Sometimes small changes are all that are needed to make a big difference to your life. If you want to lose weight for example, a hypnotherapy script incorporating healthy eating suggestions for you based on the sort of healthy foods you actually enjoy will work much better than suggesting foods you have no interest in or desire to eat at all. Do not deny yourself entirely this leads to misery and your efforts are more likely to fail. Be kind to yourself, 5 days of healthy eating and 2 not so healthy will make a huge difference to your weight and well being. Denying yourself that pizza or take away and wine on a Saturday night will just make you miserable
Likewise, if you want to get fit, do not force yourself to go to the gym or out for a run 5 nights out of 7 when 2 or 3 times a week at the outset is more than enough. This will lead to better habits being formed and you will find yourself looking forward to exercise not dreading it.
I have a particular interest in the reduction of stress and anxiety. Hypnotherapy is particularly useful for reduction of anxiety and so stress levels as the two often go hand in hand.
No stress at all is nearly as bad for us as too much stress .
Some stress is very good for us, it's what gets us out of bed and motivated. Stress is our bodies natural reaction to fear and change. It is our built in survival instinct that produces the fight or flight mechanism that would at one time have saved our lives. It gives us that extra burst of energy if faced by a car speeding towards us that makes us able to leap out of the way But if a person is constantly stressed it causes problems for both physical and mental health.
If you think you are suffering with stress please see my Stress Page
which gives a lot more information about how it damages us, and how to spot the signs.
I am also a PRANIC HEALER Pranic Healing is a tried and tested system to help enhance physical, mental and emotional well being and works on the principle that the healing process is accelerated by increasing the life force or vital energy in each individual. Pranic Healing is applied on the aura or energy body.
The energy body absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands etc.
By using Pranic techniques your physical or mental problems can be modified or even reversed as the mind and body begin to heal.
If Pranic Healing interests you, please see my Pranic Healing Page
Please ring 07803933778, if I am unavailable please leave a message and I will ring you back as soon as I can or perhaps you would prefer to email me at clarerusby@gmail.com. to arrange an appointment or a time to talk.
You can either email me privately or via my contact page.
Sessions are by appointment only I am flexible and can offer appointments online via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Facetime or WhatsApp video, or by telephone from 9.30am until 9.30pm most evenings
Payment is accepted either by Paypal or by bank transfer at least 24 hours before the appointment takes place.
I look forward to helping you enjoy life more.